Power of the collective

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A Message from IJDH Executive Director Brian Concannon

IJDH and BAI were founded on the belief that building a more just and prosperous Haiti requires collective action, both in Haiti and in the countries where decisions about Haiti are too often made. This work is daunting for any one organization, but as Haitians say, men anpil, chay pa lou (many hands make the load light).

Your financial support allows us to bring many more hands together by building a committed partnership of Haitian lawyers, international policy advocates, grassroots movements and survivors of human rights abuses. Together we are making concrete progress in transforming the root causes of injustice.

As we celebrate a season of collective giving, we want to honor two important partnerships that are advancing our fight for human rights in Haiti and beyond this year:

Nègès Mawon

IJDH and BAI are honored to collaborate with one of Haiti’s leading feminist organizations, Nègès Mawon. Together we have partnered to brief the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on sexual violence perpetrated against women and girls in Haiti and spotlight the work of Haitian women activists during an international women’s rights campaign online. “Nègès Mawon is proud to work hand-in-hand with IJDH and BAI in Port-au-Prince and Washington D.C. as we act boldly in defense of the rights of all Haitian women and girls.”

– Pascales Solages, Nègès Mawon Co-Founder and General Coordinator

Faith in Action International

Faith in Action, a national anti-racist organizing network, has been a close IJDH collaborator for the past two years. We have collaborated on a demonstration at the White House to protest US support for Haiti’s repressive regime as well as September’s National Day of Action in support of a Haitian-led democratic transition. “At Faith in Action International, we are grateful to partner with IJDH as we work to build the informed, engaged constituency necessary for a more just U.S. policy to Haiti. We count on the Institute’s human rights reporting and analyses so we can focus on our core movement-building work.”

– Francois Pierre-Louis, Faith in Action International Haiti Consultant

Each of these two organizations have made us stronger, helping IJDH and BAI defend human rights in Haiti and build momentum for Haiti’s fight for freedom and equality.

Supporters like you have also been key to this fight. Your support, in partnership with our movement allies, unlocks the potential for transformative change.

Ansanm nou pi fò. Together we are stronger.

With gratitude and respect,

Brian Concannon
IJDH Executive Director