Quick Links To Haiti Info


The Pernicious Power of American Promises

Amnesty International: Americas 2020 Report

The UN’s Tainted Legacy in Haiti

Haiti Asy­lum Infor­ma­tion Project

Haiti TPS Documents Now Valid Until January 4, 2021 by Operation of Law

Haiti TPS Documents Automatically Valid to January, 4, 2021 by Operation of Law


Cholera remains a public health threat in Haiti

Seeking Overdue Reparations for UN-caused devastation in Haiti

UN Inaction Denies Justice for Haiti Cholera Victims, Say UN Experts

COVID-19 Is Not the Biggest Threat to UN Peacekeeping


Une analyse contextuelle de la situation des LGBT en lien avec les droits humains et la santé

Senator Patrick Leahy: ‘The cholera outbreak was caused by an act of extreme negligence’ 

Building Health: An Interview with Jim Ansara

Peacekeeping Comes With a Price: The Legacy of U.N. Cholera on Haiti’s Public Health

Bayakou: The Ostracized Men of The Sewers

After Thirteen Years, What Will Be the U.N.’s Legacy in Haiti?

The Haitian American Lawyers Association of New York Provides Free Clinical Service to Haitian-TPS Holders

Activists, Lawmakers Continue to Urge DHS Extend TPS for over 50, 000 Haitian Nationals

U.N. Wants to Transfer MINUSTAH’s Underspent Dollars to Haiti’s Cholera Fund

U.N. Can and Must Deliver on its Promise to Haitian People

From MINUSTAH to MINUJUSTH, Where Is Justice for the Victims of Cholera?

Broken Promise for Individual Reparations to Cholera Victims Continues U.N. Injustices

L’ONU doit  aider Haïti avec l’épidémie de choléra qu’elle a introduite en Promise for Individual 

Stephen Lewis: U.N.’s Cholera Response “A Betrayal”

Nobel Peace Laureates Urge the U.N. to Keep its Promises

U.N. Picks New Envoy for Haiti Cholera Fundraising Efforts

Cholera Victims Call on the U.S. and Other Member States to Fund the UN’s New Approach

UN Poisoning of Roma in Kosovo Mirrors Haiti Cholera

Hurricane Matthew Affects Agricultural Production & Raises Concerns for Future

UN Lacks Credibility After Years of Failed Promises & Impunity

In Post-Hurricane Haiti, Hunger, Suffering & Vulnerability Continue

Cholera Affects Thousands as Haiti Waits for UN Action

Suffering Continues Months after Hurricane Matthew as Death Toll Rises

UN Emphasizes Development Cooperation for Water and Sanitation Improvement

Secretary-General Guterres Must Ensure the UN’s Moral Debt to Haiti is Paid

UN Cholera Accountability on Hold Due to Funding Struggles

Une situation alarmante pour les Haïtiens affectés par l’ouragan Matthew

UN Secretary-General Asks Member State Cholera Commitments by March 6

Survival, Perseverance and Hope: the Five-Year-Old Who Survived the Earthquake

How will Trump administration handle international aid?

Japan Joins Cholera Efforts with a $2.6 Million Grant

India Contributes $100k to New UN Cholera Plan

UN Advisor Plans Consortium for Water and Sanitation in Haiti

New Strategy to Raise Funds for UN Cholera Plan

Le Canada promet 6 millions pour lutter contre le choléra

Does validation of Haiti’s election allow optimism for cholera aid?

Seoul Daily Paper Criticizes Ban Ki-moon, Especially for Cholera


Amnesty International: Americas 2020 Report

The UN’s Tainted Legacy in Haiti

Hurricane Matthew Affects Agricultural Production & Raises Concerns for Future

In Post-Hurricane Haiti, Hunger, Suffering & Vulnerability Continue

Suffering Continues Months after Hurricane Matthew as Death Toll Rises


DHS Redesignates Haiti for Temporary Protected Status

How ICE helped spread coronavirus

FACT SHEET: Joe Biden’s Commitment to Haitian Americans

82 FL-Based Leaders’ October 13 Letter to VP Biden and Senator Harris on Ten Haitian American Community Policy Priorities


Report Shows Haiti Warrants TPS Extension

Haiti Is Not Ready To Take In 58,000 Unemployed Haitians

Miami-Dade Commissioners Urging 18-month TPS for Haitian Nationals

Thousands of Haitians Threatened with Deportation Hoping for 18-Month TPS Extension

VICTORY in Boston: Boston City Council Unanimously Passes a Resolution in Support of Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

Haitians Migrate to Canada to avoid Deportation

Haitian Immigrants Seeking Refuge in Canada Face Arrest at the Border 

50,000 Haitians Could Lose Temporary Protected Status in the US But Canada May Not Be the Solution

Haitian and Canadian Activists Demonstrate in Front of Quebec Olympic Stadium in Support of Refugees

As TPS Draws to a Close, Haitians Immigrate to Canada

Bayakou: The Ostracized Men of The Sewers

Recent Study from the Center for Migration Studies Shows That Ending TPS Would Negatively Impact the U.S. Economy

Haitian Advocates start 180 day countdown to extend TPS

Haitian TPS-Holders Anxiously Await Trump’s Upcoming Decision

The Haitian American Lawyers Association of New York Provides Free Clinical Service to Haitian-TPS Holders

Senators Gillibrand & Menendez, With 24 Senate Colleagues, Urge U.S. Dept. of State and U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security To Extend Temporary Protected Status For Individuals From 10 TPS-Designated Countries.

Top U.S. Official Indicates Special Immigration Status for Millions May Terminate Soon

Unable to Enter US, Haitians Settle in Mexico

Haitians Continue to Risk their Lives at Sea

Haitian Officials Discuss TPS Extension With DHS Sec. John Kelly During His Trip

Rep. Ted Deutch: DHS’s Six-Month TPS Extension “Leaves Haitian TPS-holders living in uncertainty”

Both U.S. and Haiti Will Benefit from TPS Extension

Cities Across the U.S. Await Looming TPS Decision

“Outstanding Student of the Year” Faces Deportation if TPS Expires

Hundreds of Haitians Gather in Orlando Church to Plead for TPS Extension

Deporting Tens of Thousands of Haitians to Haiti Could Impede Progress

Republican Gov. Rick Scott Presses DHS to Extend TPS for Haiti 

The New York Times: Extend America’s Welcome to Haitians Again

Thousands of Haitians Are Living under Fear As the Deadline for TPS Extension Looms

50,000 Face Uncertain Futures in the US & Haiti as TPS Deadline Approaches

Sixteen Democratic Senators Write Secretaries Rex Tillerson and John Kelly Urging them to Extend TPS for 50,00 Haitians

Walt Disney Co. Supports TPS Extension

Boston Globe Calling on President Trump to Keep His Word by Extending TPS for Haitians

U.S. Residents Under TPS Face Uncertainty as Deadline for Extension Approaches

Extending Temporary Protected Status for over 50,000 Is the Right Thing to Do

Trump Administration May Deport 50, 000 Haitians By Next January

AILA Gravely Concerned by Reports that USCIS Recommends Ending Protections for Haitian Nationals

Allowing TPS Expiration for Haitians May Signal Future of Trump Administration

USCIS Director Recommends Ending Temporary Protected Status for Haitians

Significant Losses to U.S. Taxpayers & GDP if TPS for Haitians Not Extended, Report Finds

32BJ SEIU Responds to USCIS’ Recommendation to End Temporary Protected Status for Haitians

Extending TPS for Haitians Should be a Clear “Yes”

Miami Herald Urges Extension of TPS for Haitians

Haitian Migrants Running Out of Options in Mexico

Haitian Communities’ Stress Mounts as TPS Deadline Approaches

Haitians Fear for the Future as They Continue to Urge Immediate TPS Extension

U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand Write Letter for Extended TPS for Haitians

Migrants Face Impending Humanitarian Crisis Along Mexican Border

Scams at U.S.-Mexico Border Target Haitian Migrants

Political Leaders Urge Extension of TPS for Haitians

Thousands of detained Haitians unsure of future in the U.S. or Haiti

Congresswoman Clarke works to protect Haitian nationals from deportation

U.S. immigration policies lead Haitians to seek refuge in Mexico

Overwhelmed shelters in Mexico house thousands of Haitian migrants

Haitian President-Elect Promises ID Cards for Migrants in DR

Was the drug arrest of elected Senator Guy Philippe legal?

Law & Justice

Journalist Setoute Yvens survives shooting attempt, another reporter receives death threats in Haiti

Bachelet: Haiti ‘death squad’ leader must be served justice

When France extorted Haiti- the greatest heist in history

Seeking Overdue Reparations for UN-caused devastation in Haiti


Senator Patrick Leahy: ‘The cholera outbreak was caused by an act of extreme negligence’ 

Peacekeeping Comes With a Price: The Legacy of U.N. Cholera on Haiti’s Public Health

Haiti: Senate votes to Ban Same Sex Marriage But The Chamber Of  The Deputies And The President Has The Final Say

After Thirteen Years, What Will Be the U.N.’s Legacy in Haiti?

The Haitian American Lawyers Association of New York Provides Free Clinical Service to Haitian-TPS Holders

U.N. Wants to Transfer MINUSTAH’s Underspent Dollars to Haiti’s Cholera Fund

U.N. Can and Must Deliver on its Promise to Haitian People

From MINUSTAH to MINUJUSTH, Where Is Justice for the Victims of Cholera?

L’ONU doit  aider Haïti avec l’épidémie de choléra qu’elle a introduite en Promise for Individual 

Stephen Lewis: U.N.’s Cholera Response “A Betrayal”

U.N. Picks New Envoy for Haiti Cholera Fundraising Efforts

Cholera Victims Call on the U.S. and Other Member States to Fund the UN’s New Approach

Former Haitian Mayor who Evaded Justice in His Homeland to Appear in U.S. Court

Haitian Government Seeks to Rebuild National Military

UN Poisoning of Roma in Kosovo Mirrors Haiti Cholera

Unanimous Vote Brings End to MINUSTAH

U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley Presses for UN Accountability

UN Lacks Credibility After Years of Failed Promises & Impunity

Haiti’s Extreme Prison Conditions. Coverage by Dateline Australia

Criminal Haitian Mayor Loses His Massachusetts Jobs

The Center for Justice and Accountability Releases Statement on Death of Client Nissage Martyr

Cholera Affects Thousands as Haiti Waits for UN Action

Haitian Seeking Justice Against Criminal Ex-Mayor Dies Suddenly

Lengthy Indictment of Guy Philippe Not Enough to Throw Out Case

Former Haitian Mayor Hiding in Massachusetts Sued for Human Rights Violations

Haitian Nationals Sue Former Mayor in U.S. Court

Investigative Report Highlights Systemic Nature of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in MINUSTAH

Secretary-General Guterres Must Ensure the UN’s Moral Debt to Haiti is Paid

UN Falls Short of Promises to Cholera Victims

U.N. Secretary-General Recommends ‘Gradual’ Withdrawal of Military Peacekeepers

Haitian Senate Urges Immediate Return of Guy Philippe in New Resolution

After Half-Apology for Cholera, UN Still Has Much to Do Towards Justice

UN Secretary-General Promises to Combat Sex Abuse and Exploitation

Controversial UN Peacekeeping Mission to Leave Haiti

UN Expert Condemns Severe Overcrowding in Haiti’s Prisons

Haitian Politician Seeks Political Immunity for U.S. Drug Charges

UN Secretary-General Asks Member State Cholera Commitments by March 6

Japan Joins Cholera Efforts with a $2.6 Million Grant

Mass Funeral for Haitians Who Died from Deplorable Prison Conditions

India Contributes $100k to New UN Cholera Plan

President-elect Moise denies government’s money laundering allegation

UN Advisor Plans Consortium for Water and Sanitation in Haiti

New Strategy to Raise Funds for UN Cholera Plan

Haitian Farmers File Complaint Against Land Grab During “Recovery” Efforts

Le Canada promet 6 millions pour lutter contre le choléra

Does validation of Haiti’s election allow optimism for cholera aid?

Details on Drug-Related Arrest of Elected Haitian Senator

Seoul Daily Paper Criticizes Ban Ki-moon, Especially for Cholera

Politics & Democracy

Letter from Congress Member Maxine Waters on Haiti’s Elections

The Haitian people: Sadly and badly in need of a champion

Senator Markey and Representative Wilson Urge the State Department to Support Free and Fair Elections in Haiti

Journalist Setoute Yvens survives shooting attempt, another reporter receives death threats in Haiti
